Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 70 No. 3 (2015)


Nutrients content in mixtures of narrow-leafed lupine and spring rye mixtures cultivated for green matter

Submitted: May 9, 2019
Published: 25.09.2015


The shortage of roughage for dairy cattle is a readon toundertake research on the cultivation of legume-cereal mixtures for the green matter. Mixing blue lupine with spring rye is recommended on poorer soils. The work presents results of studies conducted in 2010–2012 undertaken to determine the effect of the composition and harvest date on nutrients content in narrow-leafed lupine + spring rye mixtures cultivated for green matter. Two factors were examined: 1. composition of mixtures: pure sown narrow-leafed lupine, pure sown spring rye, narrow-leafed lupine 75% + spring rye 25%, narrow-leafed lupine 50% + spring rye 50%, narrow-leafed lupine 25% + spring rye 75%; harvest date: the flowering stage of narrow-leafed lupine and the flat green pod stage of narrow-leafed lupine. Blue lupine variety Zeus and spring rye variety Bojko were cultivated in the mixtures. The plant material was analysed to determine the content of total protein, crude fat, crude fibre and crude ash. Results of the chemical analyses were used to calculate nitrogen-free extract content. Regardless of the harvest date, total protein content and crude ash content were the highest in pure sown narrow-leafed lupine, crude fat content in narrow-leafed lupine and narrow-leafed lupine + spring rye mixtures, and crude fibre content and nitrogen free extract content in pure sown spring rye. Narrow-leafed lupine + spring rye mixtures harvest at the flowering stage contained more total protein, crude ash and nitrogen-free extract. On the other hand, at the stage of flat green pod of narrow-leafed lupine, the content of crude fat and crude fibre was higher.


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