Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 65 No. 3 (2010)


Productivity of winter wheat Turnia and Rysa cultivars sown in pure and mixed stand depending on tillage systems

Submitted: June 21, 2019
Published: 2010-10-28


The aim of the study was to analyze productivity given in dry matter energy and protein yield, of two winter wheat cultivars, sown in pure and mixed stands on ploughing and plougless soil tillage systems. The research was carried out in strict crop rotation experiment, established at the Experimental Station Kraków-Mydlniki, belonging to the Department of Agrotechnology and Agricultural Ecology, University of Agriculture in Kraków. The experiment was conducted in 2006–2008 by randomized blocs in four replications. The previous crop of winter wheat was faba bean. The first of the two tested factors was soil tillage systems (ploughing – conventional and ploughles – reduced) while the second – wheat cultivar (Turnia and Rysa) sown in pure or mixed (1:1 ratio) stand. The assessment of crop cultivars productivity was based on the grain yield, total protein and energy value, assuming that 1 kg d. m. = 18.41 MJ. A significant difference of cultivars productivity expressed as dry matter, protein and energy yield depending on tillage system was obtained.


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