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Vol. 16 No. 4 (2017)



Submitted: October 20, 2020
Published: 2017-08-31


Food can be a rich source of nutrients that are required for optimal health. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects cells and bodily fluids against oxidative stress. Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) is widely recognized for its health benefits, taste and qualitative attributes. It is a source of biologically active compounds,
including vitamin C. The determination of the vitamin C content of new ecotypes of cornelian cherry supported the identification of the most cost-efficient and accurate analytical method. The results of this study revealed that new ecotypes of cornelian cherry differed significantly with respect to their vitamin C content.
Ecotypes 5, 10, 12 and 14 had the highest concentrations of vitamin C, which were determined at 201.61–210.75 mg·100 g–1 by the titration (Tillmans) method and 70.90–82.30 mg·100 g–1 by the spectrophotometric method. Ecotype 6 had the lowest vitamin C content which ranged from 177.19 mg·100 g–1 (titration method) to 54.68 mg·100 g–1 (spectrophotometric method). The vitamin C content of cornelian cherry fruit, measured by HPLC, reached 63.1 mg·100 g–1 and it was 4-fold higher than in other analyzed fruits.


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