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Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016)



Submitted: October 27, 2020
Published: 2016-04-30


Sweet pepper is an important vegetable plant, not only because of its economic importance, but also for the nutritional value of its fruits, mainly due to the fact that they are an excellent source of natural colours, especially carotenoids, antioxidant compounds and sugars. Saccharides content in the pepper fruits is the most important component of sweet taste of these fruits. In the available literature there are not many information about the influence of biological preparations on the content of the biological compounds and nutritional value of sweet pepper fruits. The aim of this study was to estimate the influence of some biological preparations such as Bioczos Płynny (garlic pulp), Biosept 33 SL (grapefruit extract), Bio-algeen S90 Plus (sea algae Ascophyllum nodosum), Boni Protect Forte (fungi Aureobasidium pullulans), on the health status of pepper fruits and quantitative and qualitative composition of saccharides in the fruits of Roberta F1 cv. in 2010–2012. The effect of tested preparations on health state of fruits was presented as a proportion of the fruits number with diseases symptoms relative to the total number of fruits. In the present study fructose, glucose and sucrose content in sweet pepper fruits was evaluated. During the middle of the harvest period ripe, healthy and typical for cultivar fruits were collected for analysis. Sugars concentrations were determined in the water-soluble fraction, using high-performance liquid chromatography HPLC. The studies showed no significant effect of biological preparations on the average weight of the marketable fruits of sweet peppers. However tested preparations were a significant effect on the health state of pepper fruits. The smallest number of fruits with disease symptoms was obtained from
plant protected with Bioczos Płynny. The protective use of biological preparations does not change significantly of saccharides content in sweet pepper fruits. However the results show that the treatment with biopreparation Boni Protect Forte resulted in a slight increase the content of glucose and fructose in pepper fruits, but the using of Bioczos Płynny decreased the content of glucose and sucrose.


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