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Vol. 12 No. 1 (2013)



Submitted: December 4, 2020
Published: 2013-02-28


Almond mushroom – Agaricus brasiliensis (Wasser et al.) was discovered and popularised as late as the 20th century. However, it has been known for its exceptional
properties in the places of its origin for a long time. Studies have been conducted worldwide for several decades, aiming at the precise determination of these properties and their applicability in medicine. To date it has been proven that almond mushroom extracts exhibit anticancer and antibacterial action, and reduce blood cholesterol level. They are also useful in the treatment of AIDS, diabetes, hypertension and viral hepatitis. Almond mushroom is a very tasty mushroom with an almond aroma. This species is also characterised by high protein content and low fat content. For appropriate growth and development almond mushroom requires relatively high temperatures and air humidity as well as access of light. However, world literature sources contain limited data concerning the cultivation
technology of almond mushroom. In Poland almond mushroom is practically unknown, while its considerable therapeutic properties should be an incentive to initiate more extensive studies.


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