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Vol. 9 No. 3 (2010)



Submitted: January 22, 2021
Published: 2010-09-30


Eggplant is grown in Poland mainly under shields because of high requirements in climat conditions. The utilization of mulches has played a great role in production of such vegetables. In 2008–2009 there was investigated the yielding of eggplant cv. Epic F1 cultivated with living mulches – perennial ryegrass and white clover, which were sown three weeks before eggplant planting, in the term of planting and three weeks after planting, as well as with synthetic mulches: polyethylene black foil and non-woven polypropylene agrotextil. The experiment was established according to randomized split – plot method. Marketable yield of eggplant cultivated with the use of black foil was higher than that from the control treatment and mulched with black agrotextil cover by 7.8% and 10.4%, respectively. Eggplant yield obtained from cultivation with white clover was similar to that coming from plots covered with black foil. Cultivation of this vegetable with perennial ryegrass resulted in significant decrease in eggplant yield, average by 17% in relation to cultivation with the remaining mulches and by 15% as compared to control treatments. The content of reducing sugars and magnesium in eggplants fruits depended on the type of mulch and term of living mulches sowing, and in the case of potassium on the species used as living mulch.


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