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Vol. 12 No. 5 (2013)



Submitted: December 16, 2020
Published: 2013-10-31


In case of sulphur shortage in the soil that element has a significant impact on yields of plants and their quality. The objective of the work was the impact of sulphur fertilization on content of Mg and Ca in the dry-mass and in yield of dry-mass of potato tuber. Experience in the field of potato head was in the years 2004–2006 by applying different kinds of sulphur (elemental and K2SO4) and rate (0, 25 and 50 kg·ha-1). The content of Mg and Ca in the dry mass and Mg content in yield of dry mass of potato tuber was significantly determined by S fertilization. The highest content of Mg and Ca was found when using 25 kg S·ha-1 in elemental kind and 50 kg S·ha-1 in elemental and sulphur kind. Mg content in yield of dry mass of tubers increased S-elemental fertilization regardless of the rate, while this parameter of Ca no depended on S-fertilization. Sulphur fertilization in sulphate kind increased content S-SO4 in the soil, while S-elemental fertilization in rate 50 kg·ha-1 decreased pH value of soil. Negatively correlation was between pH value of soil and Mg content in dry-mass of tuber. Negatively correlation was also between pH
value of soil and Ca content in yield of dry mass of potato tubers.


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