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Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021)



Submitted: April 28, 2021
Published: 2021-04-29


This study was conducted in 2014 and 2015 to compare Cemele pepper with other bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) genotypes with respect to agronomic and morphological traits. Totally 75 bell peppper genotypes were collected from the centrum and villages of Kırşehir province. For a total of 48 agronomic and morphological characteristics of pepper genotype, the characterization study of IPGRI according to the criteria of the International Union of Plant Protection Preservation (UPOV) were done made. As a result of the principal component analysis, total 11 main component axes were obtained and these axes represented 73.25% of the total variance. Genotypes were divided into 15 groups in dendrogram according to morphological and agronomic characteristics. The mean of the quantitative characteristics of each group was determined and it was determined which group or group was the difference between them. As a result of cluster analysis; D1, D20, D54, D67K, D43 and D39 coded genotypes were determined to be the most distant genotypes in terms of agronomic and morphological degree of relation. To conclude, with the identification of the genotypes of bell peppers in Kırşehir province, it will provide significant advantages in future pepper breeding studies as well as contributing to the formation of pepper database.


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