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Tom 12 Nr 2 (2013)



Przesłane: 7 grudnia 2020
Opublikowane: 2013-04-30


The hybridisation of Vaccinium angustifolium with Vaccinium corymbosum has led to several cultivars which are also known as Lowbush or Half-highbush blueberry.
The appearance, taste and chemical composition of their fruits are reminiscent of those from wild varieties of Vaccinium angustifolium. The research was conductedat the Research Station of the Laboratory of Orchard at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The plant height, size, yield, quality and the chemical composition of fruits of Lowbush blueberry bushes (‘Emil’ and ‘Putte’) were determined. Lowbush blueberry bushes were planted at distances of 1.0 × 2.5 m in acid muck soil (peat) at the Research Station of the Fruit Farming Department in 2005. Six-year-old bushes were characterized by a relatively low height, 70 cm on average; however, ‘Putte’ cultivar plants were slightly bigger. They also rendered a higher yield, totalling to 1401 g over the 4 years of
research. On average, 100 g of fruits were collected from one bush in the first year and 600–700 g in the last year. Moreover, fruits from these bushes were characterized by a higher content of extract, organic acids and polyphenolic compounds, among which anthocyanins constituted the largest group. ‘Emil’ cultivar fruits were bigger and firmer than fruits of ‘Putte’ cultivar.


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