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Przesłane: 29 grudnia 2020
Opublikowane: 2012-08-31


Functional food market develops dynamically all over the world although in Poland consumers knowledge in this area is insufficient. An importance of functional
food mainly arises from contained bioactive substances. Funcional food includes also mushrooms which contain polisaccharides, especially β-glucans. These compounds differ in structure, water solubility, molecule size and molecular mass which determine their medicinal properties. β-glucans derived from fungi show very wide spectrum of healthsupporting activity. Their antitumor, immunomodulating, antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidative properties are well documented. They have ability to lower high blood pressure, lower excessive cholesterol synthesis, and decrease blood-glucose level. Lentinula edodes and species from genus Pleurotus are regarded as main sources of β-glucans. The most important fungi derived β-glucans are lentinan, pleuran, grifolan, crestin and ganoderan.


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