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Tom 10 Nr 1 (2011)



Przesłane: 3 stycznia 2021
Opublikowane: 2011-03-31


The studies were carried out in the years 2006–2007 in an unheated glasshouse. Strawberry mother plants cv. ‘Elsanta’ were grown in polypropylene bags filled with
peat-based substrate (3 plants per bag). The bags with plants were placed on gutters in the glasshouse at the height of 165 cm. The distance between the gutters was 120 cm. The experiment was established in a split-block design in 4 replications of 3 plants each. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of biostimulant based on animal protein hydrolysate on number, length and diameter of runners and number of strawberry daughter plants as well as their crown diameter, fresh weight and number of leaves. The application
of biostimulant did not have a beneficial influence on number of runners, their length and diameter. Applied biostimulant did not also affect quantity of strawberry daughter plants,
their crown diameter as well as number of leaves. Significant decreased in weight of daughter plants after biostimulant application was found. The quantity and quality of runners
as well as daughter plants in compared years of the experiment were significantly different. These differences were probably caused by powdery mildew.


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