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Tom 6 Nr 2 (2007)



Przesłane: 29 czerwca 2021
Opublikowane: 2007-06-30


Cuttings of R. ponticum were treated or not with ‘Ukorzeniacz AB’ containing IBA and NAA, and placed in rooting medium (temp. 21°C). Transverse sections were made of the bases of the cuttings removed from the soil after 2; 3; 4; 5 and 6 weeks. Meaningful anatomical changes in anatomical structure of R. ponticum cuttings connected with wound-healing process could be seen during rooting. In first two weeks periderm in cortex and callus from cambium and phloem emerged as a response to wounding of cuttings. After 3 weeks initiation of wound xylem started in callus. It developed very intensively
and did not depend on the way of cutting treatment. Application of auxins did not or not considerably influenced the anatomical changes in stem structure of R. ponticum during rooting – proliferation of new xylem was similar in control cuttings and in cuttings treated with rooting stimulator ‘Ukorzeniacz AB’, although it stimulated initiation of root primordia. Adventitious root formation occurred only in cuttings treated with ‘Ukorzeniacz AB’, in which numerous root primordia could be observed after 3 and more weeks of rooting. In control cuttings there was none of them even after 6 weeks of rooting.


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