Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L. ssp. virgaurea) reaction to foliar fertilization

Barbara Kołodziej


In a four-year-long field experiment the effect of foliar fertilization with 2% Ekolist, the origin of diasporas and soil conditions on goldenrod morphological parameters, yields and chemical composition was studied. Experimental factors significantly affected morphological parameters, yields and chemical composition of goldenrod plants. Independently of the experimental factors, in the second and third years of goldenrod cultivation the highest yields of herb were obtained, whereas in the fourth year a considerable decrease of the yielding potential was observed. Significantly higher yields of Soliadaginis Herba characterized by the highest stems and inflorescences, and the content of leiocarposide and macroelements were collected on heavy loamy sand. On the other hand, the highest stems and inflorescences as well as yields of raw material and active compounds were noted on plots with plants obtained from diasporas collected from the natural state near Puławy, whereas the lowest one from Rabinówka. During four years of goldenrod culture, significantly heavier aboveground parts of plants (on average by 8%), characterised by the highest content of leiocarposide as well as mineral compounds content were found on the plots after Ekolist application.


goldenrod, Solidago virgaurea L., foliar fertilization, soil, seeds origin

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Barbara Kołodziej 


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