Jaroslav Kobliha

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Jan Stejskal

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Milan Lstibůrek

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Jan Typta

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Ivana Tomášková

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Pavel Jakubův

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague


The paper evaluated dendrometric parameters of hybrid progenies of various Abies species obtained during measurements in the spring 2010 on the research plot in Kostelec nad Černými lesy. Data were processed and compared to the measurement taken in 2004. Results show that all hybrid progenies within the plot exceeded A. alba in investigated parameters. Only two of the progenies achieved worse results in mean height – A. koreana × (A. cilicica × A. cephalonica) and progeny of spontaneous hybrid no. 2. Considering height and diameter A. nordmanniana was evaluated as the most productive. On the contrary A. gracilis is considered unsuitable for further culture and research due to the mortality of 100%.


hybridization, breeding, progeny testing

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Jaroslav Kobliha 
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Jan Stejskal 
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Milan Lstibůrek 
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Jan Typta 
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Ivana Tomášková 
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Pavel Jakubův 
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague



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