Improving christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.) young plants produktion

Maria Piskornik

University of Agriculture in Kraków


At the stage of the first or second leaf christmas rose seedlings were pricked to pots or to multiple pots, the roots being rolled or nipped off during the operation. The quality of young plants was estimated by determining the fresh weight, number, and length of leaves and roots. The best quality of young plants was obtained from christmas rose seedlings pricked at the stage of the second leaf and with roots rolled when planted to pots.


christmas rose, seedlings, pot culture

Heuger J., 2001. Production und züchtung. DeGa. 39, 16–18.
Wicki-Freidl P., 1988. Die Christrose – ein Weihnachtsmythos. Der Gartenbau. 52, 2407–2413.


Maria Piskornik 
University of Agriculture in Kraków



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