Grażyna Kowalska

University of Life Sciences in Lublin


The paper presents literature data on the flowering biology of eggplant and the influence of flower heterostyly on yielding. Flowers with long–styled pistol are the majority among all flowers on a plant (60%). Number of flowers with medium and short style is lower (10–15% and 22–30%, respectively). Eggplants set fruits from flowers with long style in 49–100% and with medium style in 46–85%. These flower’s stigmata have well – developed nodules and well – permissible tissues rich in polysaccharides, proteins styled flowers have small stigmata with underdeveloped nodules and, due to worse absorption, they are not pollinated and do not set fruits. Taking into account the complexity of many factors that make difficult or impossible to self-pollinate the eggplant’s flowers, the efficiency of three procedures intensifying the fruit budding has been presented: bunch vibrating, flower harmonization, and natural pollinating by bumblebees. Many authors’
studies confirm that flower bunch vibrating has not caused sufficient pollen setting on stomata and has not been sufficient for good eggplant flower pollination. Applying growth regulators appears to be more efficient and significantly affects the improvement of eggplant’s yielding. The highest efficiency has been achieved when applying insects as natural pollinators at cultivating the eggplant under covers.

Słowa kluczowe:

Solanum melongena L., heterostyly, hormonization, pollination by bumblebees, yielding

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Grażyna Kowalska 
University of Life Sciences in Lublin


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