Fırat Ege Karaat

Adıyaman University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, Department of Plant Protection, 02040, Adıyaman, Turkey


Rain-fed agriculture is a common growing system relies on rainfall for water requirements of crops. This fact
brings some drawbacks in cultivation that causes significant differences in yield and quality. However, fruits
from rain-fed trees are generally accepted as better tasting thanks to their richer flavor and aroma compounds. This study compares pomological parameters, some selected chemical properties, fatty acid composition and volatile aroma compounds of irrigated and rain-fed grown ‘Ferragnes’ and ‘Ferraduel’ almond cultivars. Results indicated significant differences between cultivars and growing systems. Total oil was significantly lower in rain-fed samples (24.8% for ‘Ferragnes’ and 24.9% for ‘Ferraduel’) when compared with irrigated samples (44.1% for ‘Ferragnes’ and 40.2% for ‘Ferraduel’). Palmitic and oleic acid was higher in irrigated samples, whereas linoleic acid was higher in rain-fed samples. Most of the aroma compounds detected in this present study are new record for almond aroma-active compounds. In an overall view, rain-fed samples resulted with higher contents of aroma compounds.

Słowa kluczowe:

almond, aroma compounds, irrigated, quality, rain-fed

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Fırat Ege Karaat 
Adıyaman University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, Department of Plant Protection, 02040, Adıyaman, Turkey


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