Semen quality evaluation of young bulls carrying leukocyte chimerism 60,XX /60,XY

Barbara Rejduch

Department of Pig Breeding and Production Technology Departament of Animal Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Animal Production, Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice/Kraków

Anna Kozubska-Sobocińska

Department of Pig Breeding and Production Technology Departament of Animal Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Animal Production, Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice/Kraków

Barbara Danielak-Czech

Department of Pig Breeding and Production Technology Departament of Animal Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Animal Production, Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice/Kraków

Marek Babicz

Department of Pig Breeding and Production Technology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin


After cytogenetic analysis, 15 bulls were selected as carriers of 60,XX/60,XY chimerism to evaluate the influence of this chromosomal abnormality on reproductive performance. The
semen analysis included the following parameters: volume of ejaculate (mL), motility of spermatozoa (%) and sperm concentration/mL × 106. The comparison of the experimental group with control (bulls with normal karyotype) showed significant differences with regard to the volume of ejaculate and highly significant differences with regard to the motility of spermatozoa and sperm concentration. These parameters were lower in the group of bull-carriers. Sperm-FISH technique made it possible to determine similar proportions between spermatozoa with X and Y heterosomes in bulls with karyotype 60, XX/60, XY (ranging from 45% : 55% to 57% : 43%).


leukocyte chimerism, bull, fertility, semen analysis, sperm-FISH

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Barbara Rejduch 
Department of Pig Breeding and Production Technology Departament of Animal Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Animal Production, Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice/Kraków
Anna Kozubska-Sobocińska 
Department of Pig Breeding and Production Technology Departament of Animal Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Animal Production, Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice/Kraków
Barbara Danielak-Czech 
Department of Pig Breeding and Production Technology Departament of Animal Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Animal Production, Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice/Kraków
Marek Babicz 
Department of Pig Breeding and Production Technology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin


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