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Tom 29 Nr 1 (2011)


Influence of forest fragmentation on the game species population

Przesłane: marca 18, 2021
Opublikowane: 2012-03-31


The survey aimed at evaluating the influence of forest fragmentation on game species population. Borders of forest areas in forest districts in the Lublin region were measured according to the cartographic method. The coefficient of forest fragmentation (km/km2) was calculated as a total forest boundary length (km) to the total forest surface area (km2) in a given forest inspectorate
ratio. Based on the obtained data, the obtainment Pearson's correlation coefficients between forest boundaries length (km) and their fragmentation coefficient (km/km2) vs. hunting obtainment
size in the analyzed periods were calculated. The results showed that the European red deer occurrence is associated with the presence of compact forest complexes. Our results indicate the positive
influence of forest fragmentation on the wild boar, brown hare and red fox populations size.


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