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Tom 29 Nr 3 (2011)


Glucose level in blood and urine of minks depending on body condition

Przesłane: marca 30, 2021
Opublikowane: 2011-09-30


The aim of this study was to assess the level of glucose in the blood and urine of minks of different shapes, over the successive stages of the production period, from breeding to weaning. On the farm of scanbrown minks, animal health studies were performed using the BCS rating system. Besides, the level of glucose in the blood and urine of females was determined. Plasma glucose concentration was determined with Cormay reagents, while in urine with test strips Medi-Test Combi 10 ® VET. The scoring system of the condition of the minks’ bodies proved to be a useful and practical tool for assessing the degree of fatness in minks. The level of sugar in blood and urine were on different levels, whereas hyperglycemia with glycosuria occurred more frequently and more numerously in the lean and fatty mothers during late lactation, which indicates that this is a moment of weakness in the body's glycemic control during the reproductive cycle of minks.


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