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Tom 27 Nr 2 (2009)


The effect of a herbal extract used in pig fattening on the animals’ performance and blood components

Przesłane: kwietnia 19, 2021
Opublikowane: 2009-06-30


The aim of the study was to determine the effect of an addition of a herbal extract (Prodol B) from garlic bulbs, common liquorice roots and tillers, common thyme herb and caraway
fruits in pig fattening on the animals’ performance, some morphological parameters (Ht, Hb, Ht, RBC, WBC, leucogram) and on the activity of some blood enzymes (AST, ALT, AP, LDH).
The animals were divided in 3 groups (3 groups × 40 piglets), kept in pens, 10 animals each. Group I (control) animals were fed with standard mixtures (Starter, Grower, Finisher) without any additives, whereas group II and III – the same mixtures, but supplemented with AGP (avilamycin) or a herbal extract (0.8 g kg-1 feed), respectively. Feed intake (daily) and body weight (4 times) were controlled. Blood samples were collected 3 times (at about 25, 60 and 90 kg body weight). The average daily gains (798 g with Prodol B vs. 812 g with AGP and 748 in the negative control group), feed conversion ratio (2.66 vs. 2.63 and 2.88, respectively) and blood parameters proved that this herbal preparation may constitute a valuable alternative for AGP, feed additive to the balanced feed mixtures with regard to basic nutritive components, minerals and vitamins in the feeding of growing pigs.


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