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Tom 29 Nr 4 (2011)


Concentration of progesterone in blood serum in hens of the Polbar breed depending on age

Przesłane: kwietnia 1, 2021
Opublikowane: 2011-12-31


The purpose of this study is to determine the level of progesterone in chickens of the Polbar breed. The concentration is determined in blood serum collected from each of 50 hens at 8,
12, and 18 weeks of age. Determining the concentration of progesterone was made by the Enzymo-immunoassay method using the MEIA microparticle analyzer AxSYMTM Abbott. Hens
subjected to the experiment did not yet reach puberty. Progesterone levels in chickens increased with the age of the birds. Variability occurring in chickens of the Polbar breed was influenced by the considerable range of concentrations tested through the hormone in blood serum. We find a variety of factors having great impact on the concentration of progesterone in blood plasma, including the same genes that affect the physiology of the body. Concentrations of progesterone in blood serum of hens bred genetically may serve as reference values for poultry.


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