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Vol. 26 No. 1 (2016)


Właściwości lecznicze i wykorzystanie w fitoterapii niektórych gatunków roślin drzewiastych. Drzewa liściaste półkuli północnej

Submitted: May 4, 2019
Published: 30.03.2016


The paper presents a review of the literature concerning the morphology, occurrence, chemical composition and biological activity of selected species of genera Tilia, Betula, Sorbus and Fraxinus, important elements of deciduous and mixed forests of Europe and the urban tree plantings. The most important components synthesized by these plant are essential oil (linden, birch), flavonoid and phenolic compounds (all species) and coumarin compounds (ash). The raw material of these plants exhibits a broad biological activity, including antioxidant activity, most likely resulting from the presence of phenolic compounds. Numerous species of the genus are used in traditional medicine and their therapeutic activity is confirmed by scientific research today.


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