Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 72 No. 4 (2017)


Evaluation of Aegilops variabilis Eig. and Aegilops kotschyi Boiss. with Triticum aestivum L. hybrid lines regarding field resistance to brown rust

Submitted: December 30, 2018
Published: 2017-12-29


Leaf rust caused by fungus Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm. f. sp. tritici is considered to be one the most dangerous diseases of bread wheat. The aim of the study was to evaluate the brown rust field resistance in 15 Aegilops L. × Triticum aestivum L. hybrid lines and their parental forms (Aegilops kotschyi Boiss., Aegilops variabilis Eig., Triticum aestivum L. cvs. Begra, Gama, Korweta, Monopol, Muza, Piko, Rusałka, Smuga, Turnia, Zyta). The research was carried out in the years 2012-2014 in field conditions. The evaluation of diseases was performed at the growth stage of milk maturity. Natural infections with brown rust were evaluated using a nine-grade score (1 – most susceptible, 9 – completely resistant) by the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing (COBORU). The highest resistance to brown rust was characterized by Aegilops variabilis Eig. and Ae. kotschyi Boiss (score of 8.2 and 8.1). Hybrid lines were more resistant to brown rust from parental wheat varieties. The highest average resistance of the three years of study was recorded in the RV, KR, KRB, KRG, KRKo, KRP, KRS, KRT, KRBP (score of 7.4–7.8). Wheat cultivars were more affected by brown rust (score of 5.5–7.2). Among them, Piko, Begra, Korweta and Zyta (score of 6.8–7.2) were distinguished.


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