Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 78 No. 2 (2023)


Evaluation of the yield of raspberries of the cultivars repeating fruiting depending on the density shoots in rows in the conditions of the Padół Zamojski

Submitted: March 7, 2022
Published: 2023-09-26


In this study, an evaluation of the yielding of raspberry of the Polka and Polana cultivars, depending on the density variants, was performed. The analysis covered the following parameters: total fruit yield in kg per plot with an area of 5 m2 in 2012–2014, average weight of single fruits (g), main shoot fruiting side branches. The experiment was established using the random block method. The experiment objects were 2 cultivars Polka and Polana cultivated in 3 variants of density: I – raspberry in natural density, II – raspberry with density reduced by 40%, III – raspberry with density reduced by 70%. Significant differences were found in the total yield of raspberries in individual years for all levels of compaction. The overall yield of raspberries was the highest at compaction II (14.97 t∙ha–1) – reduction by 40%, significantly lower at compaction III (14.40 t∙ha–1) – reduction by 70%, and the lowest yield of raspberries was recorded in their natural compaction (13.21 t∙ha–1). Regardless of the density – on average in three years – the Polana cultivar yielded higher. The year 2014 turned out to be the most favorable for the raspberry yield. The weight of single raspberry fruits was the highest at the reduced compaction by 70% and the lowest for natural compaction. Each degree of reduction of shoots density significantly increased the number of side branches.


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