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Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021)



Submitted: November 29, 2019
Published: 2021-04-27


Cerasus prostrata (Lab.) Ser. is quite widespread in some regions of Turkey. It is a wild and deciduous fruit species. The species is commonly encountered in Central Anatolia over the foothills of Erciyes Mountain. In this study, some fruit and leaf characteristics of 30 C. prostrata genotypes collected from the foothills of Erciyes Mountain were determined and genetic diversity among them was presented. Fruit weights of the genotypes varied between 0.66–0.23 g and fruit flesh ratios varied between 84.59–63.11%. Leaf width, leaf length and petiole lengths of the genotypes respectively varied between 1.61–0.68 cm; 4.02–1.82 cm and 0.60–0.28 cm. In genetic analyses, 17 ISSR primers were used and 115 bands were obtained. Of these bands, 98 were polymorphic. All genotypes were distinguished from each other. Relatively high variation was identified between the genotypes and similarity levels varied between 0.70–0.95. Current findings revealed significant information for the preservation and appraisal of C. prostrata. Further studies are recommended for breeding and protection of this species.


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