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Vol. 20 No. 4 (2021)



Submitted: January 13, 2020
Published: 2021-08-31


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) that can cause mutualism with higher plants. Some studies showed that the symbiosis of AMF will increase nutrients absorption, the capacity of anti-stress (e.g. drought, salt and disease) by melon (Cucumis melo L.). This study evaluated the roles of proteins on salt-tolerance mechanism after melon was symbiotic with AMF (Funneliformis mosseae). The melons were cultivated in the hydroponic solution containing 0 M, 0.042 M or 0.084 M NaCl for inoculated AMF and non-AMF inoculated seedlings. Root apice of AMF seedling after treating with different NaCl concentrations that were chosen for the estimation of proteins. The results showed that 12 proteins were significantly different after treating with different sodium chlorite (NaCl) concentrations, with proteins that four upregulated and eight downregulated. The tolerance of NaCl stress by root of melon that was inoculated by AMF were attributable to cellular activities involved in carbohydrate metabolism, energy metabolism, production of organic acid, relief of salt injury, which may be critical for promotion of nutrients absorption, anti-stress. This study can offer an important clue to advanced genomic exploration for the inoculation of AMF on different plants.


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