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Vol. 16 No. 6 (2017)



Submitted: October 23, 2020
Published: 2017-12-31


The aim of this research has been to analyse the effect of a cultivation system on the content of minerals in carrot roots. Roots of two carrot cultivars (Koral and Bolero) grown in organic plantations and plantations maintained according to integrated agriculture guidelines were chosen for the study. The thermal and moisture conditions differentiated the content of macro- and microelements more than the cultivation system or genotype specific traits of the cultivars did. In general, a significantly higher content of the analysed minerals was observed in the first year of the experiment. Carrot grown in the integrated system contained higher amounts of N and Mg as well as Cu, Zn and Mn, while organic carrot roots had more P, Fe and Pb. The late cv. Koral contained significantly more P as well as Mg and Cu, Zn and Pb, while the cultivar Bolero was richer in N. With respect to the other elements, no differences were determined between the cultivars. After
storage, the content of N in roots of both cultivars decreased, while the levels of the other macronutrients was higher. Larger changes in the content of N, Na, Mg and Ca were detected in roots of the carrot from organic plantations, while P and K differed more in carrot roots from the integrated system.


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