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Vol. 15 No. 5 (2016)



Submitted: October 29, 2020
Published: 2016-10-31


Relatively little is known on the interaction between iodine and selenium in plants. It may become a drawback in developing agrotechnical rules of plant biofortification with these elements. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of soil fertilization with various forms of iodine (I- and IO3-) and selenium (SeO32- and SeO42-) on yield, biofortification efficiency and selected chemical properties of lettuce plants. The study (conducted in 2012–2014) included soil fertilization of lettuce cv. ‘Valeska’ in the following combinations: control (without iodine and selenium fertilization), KI, KIO3, Na2SeO4, Na2SeO3, KI +

Na2SeO4, KIO3 + Na2SeO4, KI + Na2SeO3, KIO3 + Na2SeO3. Iodine and selenium were applied twice: before sowing and as a top-dressing in a total dose of 5 kg I·ha-1 and 1 kg Se·ha-1. Only the application of Na2SeO4 (individually or together with iodine) exhibited strong toxic effect on plants which was accompanied by the highest accumulation of Se, selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenocysteine (SeCys) in lettuce. The accumulation of I and Se in lettuce was respectively higher after fertilization KI than KIO3 and Na2SeO4 than Na2SeO3. Simultaneous application of iodine and selenium decreased the level of Se, SeMet and SeCys in
lettuce - particularly in the combination with KIO3 + Na2SeO3. Simultaneous application of KI with both forms of selenium decreased iodine content in lettuce as related to the treatment with KI alone. In the case of lettuce from the combinations with KIO3, KIO3 + Na2SeO4 and KIO3 + Na2SeO3, comparable results of iodine concentration were obtained.


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