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Vol. 12 No. 3 (2013)



Submitted: December 9, 2020
Published: 2013-06-30


Green biotechnology plays an important role in the modern agriculture. Recent progress in molecular biology and genetic engineering provides an opportunity of obtaining transgenic plants with improved characteristics, such as yield parameters, nutritional value, taste, biochemical composition, cold tolerance or pathogen resistance. Genetically modified plants can be used to produce a variety of recombinant proteins of biomedical or industrial significance, including enzymes, antigens, antibodies, hormones and secondary metabolites. Research on transgenic plants has been carried out in many countries. While there has been great development of green biotechnology worldwide, some significant achievements in this field can be contributed to Polish scientists. The paper presents research on genetically modified crops carried out in Polish scientific centers and its potential usage in different areas of man life.


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