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Vol. 11 No. 3 (2012)



Submitted: December 28, 2020
Published: 2012-06-30


Lettuce needs a properly balanced nutrition base for its proper development. During the greenhouse experiment of 2009 and 2010, the influence of the dose of nitrogen and calcium carbonate on the content of nutrients in edible parts of lettuce was examined. The sowing of the seeds of the Omega variety of lettuce took place on February 24th, on March 7th the plants were bedded out into pallets, and finally planted into pots on March 19th. The vegetables were collected on April 24th, together with leaf samples for microand macro-elements analysis. The results of the experiment suggest that the increase in the dose of nitrogen had a significantly positive influence on the accumulation of total N and N-NO3 in the plant and a significantly negative effect on the content of phosphorus
and potassium in lettuce leaves. The microelements uptake of the plant was largely dependent on the dose of nitrogen and calcium carbonate. The largest amount of iron and manganese was found in plants nourished with the lowest dose of nitrogen, and the highest amount of zinc and copper was found in lettuce leaves from plants nourished with the quadruple, compared to the original value, dose of nitrogen, connected with the lower dose of calcium carbonate.


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