Foliar feeding is an effective method of supplying plants with nutrients, much faster than soil fertilization. The effectiveness of this procedure may result from quick
penetration and transfer of the applied nutrients inside the plant. The aim of foregoing studies was to assess the effect of foliar nitrogen application upon the yield of fresh and air-dry basil herb of the cultivars: ‘Kasia’, ‘Wala’, ‘Genua Star’ and ‘Opal’, grown in an unheated foil tunnel. Foliar feeding was performed dosing 0.5% urea solution until complete wetting of leaf blade surface. The influence of cultivar and urea application upon the yield and chemical composition of basil herb was demonstrated. The highest concentrations of total nitrogen, potassium, calcium and protein, but also nitrates, were characteristic of ‘Opal’ plants. Among green-leaved cultivars, the highest fresh herb weight was that of ‘Genua Star’. The foliar application of nitrogen increased the weight and yield of fresh herb. It also caused increased concentrations of N-NO3 and N-NH4, K, Ca, compared to control plants.
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