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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2010)



Submitted: January 17, 2021
Published: 2010-03-31


One of the more important species of herbal plants, grown in many countries for medical and nutritional purposes is sweet marjoram. The marjoram herb is an abundant source of valuable biologically active substances and mineral components. Considering the vast application of this plant studies were undertaken on the assessment of growth and yielding of sweet marjoram, depending on harvest time. The studies were conducted in the years 2004–2005. The sweet marjoram plantation was established from seedlings produced in a glasshouse. The marjoram herb was collected in two harvest time: in mid July (beginning of flowering) and in early September. The yields of fresh, air dry and grated herb were assessed. The contents of essential oil in grated herb, as well as the mineral composition of the herb were determined. The significant effect of harvest time upon the yield of fresh, air-dried and grated herb was demonstrated: the greater yield was
achieved in the second harvest time (early September). The herb collected at the beginning of September contained more essential oil than that cut in mid July. Total nitrogen content was significantly greater in marjoram herb from the first harvest than in that from the second harvest.


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