In vitro propagation, cold preservation, and cryopreservation are three essential approaches to preserve the genetic resources of red-listed plants, including English yew (Taxus baccata L.). Different concentrations of plant growth regulators (PGRs) and different pre-treatments of cold preservation and cryopreservation are the prerequisites of these three approaches. Apical bud as explant and Murashige and Skoog (MS) as the culture medium for all three sections of the research, kinetin (Kin) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) as PGRs for the micropropagation section, and encapsulation-dehydration as pre-treatment for the sections of cold preservation and cryopreservation were used. The results of the micropropagation section indicated that the highest number of shoots (5.40 per explant) and roots (5.98 per explant) were obtained from the culture of the explants on the media containing 1 mg L–1 IBA together with 1 and 2 mg L–1 Kin, respectively. The results of the cold preservation section revealed that the highest percentage of survival of germplasms (100%) after storage in the refrigerator was observed in the apical buds pre-treated by dehydration of encapsulated explants with 0.75 M sucrose for two hours, followed by dehydration under a laminar airflow cabinet for two hours. The results of the cryopreservation section demonstrated that the highest percentage of survival of germplasms (100%) after storage in liquid nitrogen was obtained in the apical buds pre-treated by encapsulation-dehydration under a laminar airflow cabinet for two hours. At the acclimatization stage, 100% of the plantlets acclimatized suitably with ex vitro conditions.