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Tom 18 Nr 5 (2019)



Przesłane: 28 października 2019
Opublikowane: 2019-10-28


Water is the most important environmental factor in growth and fruit yield of trees. To study the effect of deficit irrigation on reproductive characteristics and yield of seven superior olive genotypes of D1, Dd1, Gw, Ps1, Bn3, Bn6, and Ds17, the present research was accomplished in Dallaho Olive Research Station of Sarpol-e zahab, Kermanshah, Iran, in 2014 and 2015. Seven superior olive genotypes were studied in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications and three irrigation regimes. The irrigation treatments include: 100% full irrigation (control), 75% deficit irrigation, and 50% deficit irrigation applied during the growth season. The results indicated that the genotypes had different reactions to the deficit irrigation regimes. Dd1 had the highest fruit weight while the lowest fruit weight was observed in Ps1 and Gw. The highest fruit yield was found in Bn3, Bn6, and Dd1 while the lowest was observed in Ps1. As a result, Bn6 and Dd1 are introduced as the genotypes which are resistant to drought in the field.


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