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Tom 16 Nr 2 (2017)



Przesłane: 15 października 2020
Opublikowane: 2017-04-30


The aim of this study has been to determine the effect of cultivation and plant protection on the content of macro- and micronutrients and yield of roots in edible carrots. The cultivation of carrot according to the principles of integrated farming resulted in a higher root mass as well as a higher total and commercial yield than in the ecological cultivation system. The plant protection had a positive effect on the root mass only in ecological cultivation. The content of crude ash in carrot roots ranged from 71.25 to 80.10 g kg-1 d.m. Roots of carrots from the integrated system contained more N-total and potassium than the ones from the ecological system. In general, carrots originating from the integrated system contained more Zn and Mn, while those grown ecologically had more Cu and Ni. After storage, the content of N-total, K, Na, Ca and Mg in carrot roots increased. Meanwhile, the P concentration tended to decrease. The plant protection methods have significant effect on the content of N-total and K and microelements. The content of nitrates (V) was modified more extensively in roots of carrots grown in the integrated system than in ecological system.


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