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Tom 15 Nr 4 (2016)



Przesłane: 29 października 2020
Opublikowane: 2016-08-31


The content of alkaloids and flavonoids and the yield of herb were analyzed in greater celandine cultivar ‘Cynober’ during six following phases: spring rosette for-mation, the beginning of flowering, full bloom, green fruit, seed harvest, fall rosette formation. Yield of celandine herb was different at the investigated phases and in years of cultivation. The highest yield of herb was observed at the beginning of flowering, then a decrease was noticed, up to the phase of seed harvest, when the yield grown up. The low-est yield of celandine herb was obtained in last phase – fall rosette formation, except 2011 when the lowest yield was in spring rosette formation. The average content of alkaloids was the highest in phase of green fruit (1.097%), while in 2012, the highest content was reached in phase of fall rosette formation – 1.200%. The lowest content of alkaloids was obtained in herb of the beginning of flowering (0.608%) in both years. The mean content of flavonoids was from 0.310% (the beginning of flowering) to 0.522% (seed harvest) and was the same in both years. The stable high content of total alkaloids and flavonoids and individual alkaloids was noticed in phase of fall rosette. Our results suggest that seed maturity is the best time for celandine herb harvest regarding the herb yield and content of alkaloids and flavonoids.


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