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Tom 21 Nr 3 (2022)



Przesłane: 13 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 2022-06-30


Salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses that affect plant cell metabolism and reduce plant productivity. In the study, some growth and biochemical characteristics of two different types of dwarf and lantern beans were investigated. The study was carried out in an aeroponic environment in a fully controlled climate room with 6 repetitions according to a completely randomized experimental design. In the experiment where two bean types (dwarf and pole types) were used as material, four different salt doses (0, 25, 50, 100 mM NaCl) were used for the salt stress conditions desired to be created. In the study, root length, seedling length, seedling fresh and dry weight, root fresh and dry weights, and leaf area were measured as some growth parameters, while MDA, APX, CAT, SOD activities, and proline and chlorophyll content were observed as biochemical parameters.For both genotypes, salinity induced a marked reduction in growth parameters. In parallel with the aggravation of salinity stress conditions, an increase in MDA, SOD, and proline content occurred. In the other investigated biochemical enzyme activities (APX and CAT), there was an increase up to a certain dose compared to the control and a decrease in the subsequent doses. Additionally, it has been determined that chlorophyll content is stable until the third dose but a significant decrease started after the fourth salt application. These results show that there has been a significant increase in enzymatic defense systems to reduce the effects of salt-induced stress in beans, and it has been observed that dwarf and pole bean types show close responses to salt stress.


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