Wild garlic (Allium ursinum L.) is a typical spring geophyte whose natural habitat is beech forests. The research aimed to assess the possibility of cultivating wild garlic in field conditions significantly different from those required by this plant, using environmentally friendly and unconventional treatments. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of selected agricultural practices (catch crop, shading plant, biopreparations) on the growth of wild garlic leaves grown in the field.
The results show that the biomass of catch crops and shade plants and biopreparations from marine algae are justified in cultivating wild garlic in field conditions regarding the leaf yield. Ploughing of phacelia biomass on a catchment soil with an unstable structure positively affected the growth of wild garlic, increasing the length of leaves, their number, and the length and width of the leaf blade. Winter turnip rape used as a shade plant caused an increase in the length of the leaves and the value of the FV/FM index (the quotient of the variable fluorescence to the maximum fluorescence), and also, depending on the year of the study, the length and width of the garlic leaf blade. Soaking the bulbs before planting in the ‘Kelpak SL’ solution increased the number of garlic leaves growing without turnip rape cover in the second and third years of cultivation. In the first year of vegetation, longer leaves with a larger leaf blade ensured the preparation was sprayed three times without pre-soaking the bulbs. Considering the biopreparations’ positive effect on the growth of garlic leaves and the FV/FM ratio values, their use is prospective regarding the increasing occurrence of dry years and is an alternative to plant irrigation.
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Marzena Błażewicz-Woźniak,
Dariusz Wach,
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