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Vol. 14 No. 1-2 (2015)



Submitted: July 1, 2020
Published: 2020-07-01


Organochlorine compounds are very persistent compounds. Considering the harmfulness of these substances, the goal of the study presented in this article was to evaluate the content of organochlorine compounds in selected vegetables. The highest content of lindane were detected in carrot. Accumulation of γ-HCH in cauliflower was more than five times lower. The presence of ΣDDT was detected in all tested vegetables at quantities not exceeding the MRL value. The lowest mean content of ΣDDT was observed in broccoli and spinach, while a three times higher quantity of this compound was detected in carrot. Chlorinated hydrocarbons were detected in all the tested vegetable samples. It was observed that vegetables raised in north-eastern Poland persistently contain numerous foreign chemicals and, as such, should be included in a programme to monitor the levels of harmful chemicals. Contamination of environment and food by artificial isotopes cause receiving radiation doses by people, that can be taken by inhalation of isotopes from the air or the oral route. From the point of view of radioactive contamination of the environment, the most dangerous are the isotopes 134Cs and 137Cs, which concentrations are used as an indicator of environmental pollution. In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health of 15.01.2003 year, 137Cs may be present in various products, seeing that is used for irradiating vegetables to inhibit sprouting (in potatoes, onions, garlic), the elimination or reduction of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, mold, fungi) and parasites. Radiation also helps to extend the storage life of fresh fruit and vegetables The necessity to monitor the content of radiocesium results from its toxicity, therefore the aim of the study was to analyze the content of radiocesium in chosen vegetables [carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green peas, green beans, spinach] from area of Warmia and Mazury. The content of 137Cs in investigated vegetables show that the aboveground parts of plants accumulate considerably more radiocesium compared to the root vegetables.


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