Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

The effect of P and K foliar nutrition on the yield and chemical composition of lettuce


Katedra Uprawy i Nawożenia Roślin Ogrodniczych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ul. Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin


Katedra Uprawy i Nawożenia Roślin Ogrodniczych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ul. Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin


In years 2005–2006 the impact of foliar nutrition with different PK fertilizers on the yielding and chemical composition of ‘Alanis’ lettuce was investigated. The research was conducted in a glasshouse, plants were cultivated in flowerpots filled with a peat medium. Foliar nutrition with PK and applied doses to the medium had no significant impact either on size of lettuce heads or on nitrate contents. However, a significantly higher level of vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium was observed in plants cultivated with PK fertilizers comparing to control. On the other hand, PK fertilizers had no impact on the dry mass content or the level of calcium and magnesium in lettuce leaves. A double-size dose of potassium significantly increased the level of dry mass and potassium and significantly decreased the level of calcium and magnesium in lettuce leaves. 


lettuce, foliar nutrition, P and K, chemical composition

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Katedra Uprawy i Nawożenia Roślin Ogrodniczych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ul. Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin
Katedra Uprawy i Nawożenia Roślin Ogrodniczych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ul. Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin


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