Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Herbal resources in agrocenoses of the Minsk Protected Landscape Area


Katedra Ekologii Rolniczej, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce


Katedra Ekologii Rolniczej, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce


In the growing seasons of 2012–2014, a floristic inventory of the Minsk Protected Landscape Area agrocenoses was conducted. The aim of the study was to determine the species composition, occurrence frequency and potential use of plants with medicinal properties in the segetal flora of the Minsk Landscape Protection Area. The research consisted in the implementation of phytosociological relevés using the Braun-Blanquet method. 116 weed species – herbs were found as a result of the collected material analysis. The largest group of species, in terms of their origin, were apophytes (80 species – 68.9%) over anthropophytes (36 species – 31.1%). Among the apophytes, meadow habitats (28 species) and species derived from damp and grass habitats dominated (19 species each). The most numerous species among alien species were archaeophytes (30 species). In the analyzed herbal flora, the perennial species – perennials (61 species) had a greater share than the short-lived species (55 species). The dominant life form were therophytes (51 species) and hemicryptophytes (41 species). Herbaceous plants of MOChK agrocenoses most often counted among very rare, rare and quite rare species (61 species) occurring with a small surface cover. 37 taxa were very common and common species. Among them, 8 species had large coverage, they were: Chenopodium album, Stellaria media, Gnaphalium uliginosum, Galinsoga parviflora, Anthemis arvensis, Centaurea cyanus, Elymus repens and Viola arvensis. Among the identified weeds-herbs, the most numerous group (57 species) were species, that can supply herbs as a raw material for pharmaceutical purposes, e.g.: Epilobium parviflorum, Galeopsis tetrahit, Descurainia sophia, Gnaphalium uliginosum, Hypericum humifusum. In the group of medicinal plants, there were 12 rare and endangered species in the region and in the country; among others: Agrostemma githago, Centaurium pulchellum, Consolida regalis, Hypericum humifusum, and Herniaria glabra. In addition, the Helichrysium arenarium and Centaurium pulchellum are protected species.


legally protected areas,, , agricultural crops, weeds – herbs, rare species

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Katedra Ekologii Rolniczej, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce
Katedra Ekologii Rolniczej, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, ul. Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce


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