Alina Pastucha

Agricultural University of Lublin

Barbara Kołodziej

Agricultural University of Lublin


In the years 20042006 on American ginseng plantation covered with the mineral mulch Agran, located in Krasnystaw (the Lublin region) there were compared the effects of five methods of plant protection. Each year 5 plants showing disease symptoms were sampled from particular experimental combination in order to perform the mycological analysis. The results of the analysis showed that in particular years of the experiment the quantitative and qualitative composition of pathogenic fungi isolated from the examined ginseng parts was differentiated. There was proved that fungi from the genera of Altenaria, Fusarium, Cylindrocarpon, Phytophthora and Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia solani Botrytis cinerea create a considerable danger for the ginseng plants.


fungi colonising of ginseng, methods of plant protection

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Alina Pastucha 
Agricultural University of Lublin
Barbara Kołodziej 
Agricultural University of Lublin



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