Effect of gibberellic acid on the post-harvest flower longevity of Zantedeschia elliottiana (W. Wats) Engl.

Beata Janowska

Agricultural University of Poznań

Marek Jerzy

Agricultural University of Poznań


Two experiments were carried out to determine the effect of gibberellic acid on the longevity of cut flowers of two Zantedeschia elliottiana (W. Wats./Engl.) cultivars: 'Black Magic' and 'Florex Gold'. The flowers were conditioned for 2, 4 and 20 hours in water solutions of 8-hydroxyquinoline citrate at concentrations of 200 mg l-1, and then kept in water and gibberellic acid solutions at concentrations of 50 and 100 mg l-1. Gibberellic acid enhanced the post-harvest longevity of Z. elliottiana flowers. Those of the 'Black Magic' cultivar lasted the longest when not conditioned, but merely stored in gibberellic acid solutions. 8-ydroxyquinoline citrate shortened their longevity by a week. The post-harvest longevity of flowers of the 'Florex Gold' cultivar significantly depended on the concentration of gibberellic acid and conditioning time. The longest-lasting flowers were those conditioned in 8-hydroxyquinoline citrate for 2 hours.


Zantedeschia, gibberellic acid, cut flowers, vase-life

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Beata Janowska 
Agricultural University of Poznań
Marek Jerzy 
Agricultural University of Poznań



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