The influence of ripeness of scions and bud place on shoot on the quality of the obtained shrubs of two Rosa thea hybrida cultivars. Part II. The quality of shrubs

Jerzy Hetman,

Agricultural Academy in Lublin

Marta Joanna Monder

Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden in Warsaw


Two cultivars of Rosa thea hybrida were budded on the thornless Rosa multiflora Thunb. rootstock. The buds were cut down from scions in different ripeness phase of shoots (the flower buds closed; outside petals slightly opened; the opened flower; right after falling petals, two weeks after falling petals) and from different places on the shoot (upper, middle, lower part). Ripeness phase of shoots does not distinct influence on number of obtained shrubs and their quality. Good quality of shrubs were obtained when all buds from scions with outside petals slightly opened, with opened flower or right after petals fell were used. By budding the buds from upper part of the shoots the least number of shrubs was obtained, but with higher percentage of the first quality ones. Tested factors do not have any influence on the roots system.


Rosa thea hybrida, quality,, budding, ripeness of scions

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Jerzy Hetman, 
Agricultural Academy in Lublin
Marta Joanna Monder 
Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden in Warsaw



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