The dynamics of changeability of fatty acid profile in woman, cow and sow milk during lactation

Małgorzata Adamczyk

Voivodeship Centre for Dental Care in Warsaw, Orthodontics Department Nowy Zjazd 1, Warsaw

Jerzy Truchliński

The University of Vincent Pol in Lublin Choiny 2, 20-816 Lublin

Jan Matras

Institute of Animal Nutrition and Bromatology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin

Małgorzata Gorzel

The University of Vincent Pol in Lublin Choiny 2, 20-816 Lublin


Changes in fatty acid profile of woman, cow and sow colostrum and milk fat during lactation were investigated. Colostrum samples were taken 2 times: a few hours postpartum and
then 2–3 days postpartum. Also, milk samples were collected 2 times. The first collection from each 3 investigated species took place in 2nd week of lactation and the second collection – in 4th, 6th and 3rd month of lactation from women, cows and sows, respectively. The level of linoleic acid in the colostrum and milk of women gradually decreased during lactation, whereas linolenic acid gradually increased until 2nd week of lactation, after which its level slighty decreased. In cow milk fat, the linoleic acid was stable during the two first weeks of lactation, then its content decreased. The level of linolenic acid increased (from 0.74 to 1.14%) within the investigated 6 months of lactation. The percentage of arachidonic acid also slightly increased (from 0.41% to about 0.50%). High linoleic content in sow colostrum (2.6–3.1%) decreased considerably in milk fat (1.8%). The lowest (0.3%) linolenic acid content in colostrum increased gradually with time of lactation up to 0.8% in 3rd month postpartum.


fatty acids, colostrum, milk, women, cows, sows

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Małgorzata Adamczyk 
Voivodeship Centre for Dental Care in Warsaw, Orthodontics Department Nowy Zjazd 1, Warsaw
Jerzy Truchliński 
The University of Vincent Pol in Lublin Choiny 2, 20-816 Lublin
Jan Matras 
Institute of Animal Nutrition and Bromatology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin
Małgorzata Gorzel 
The University of Vincent Pol in Lublin Choiny 2, 20-816 Lublin


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