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Tom 30 Nr 3 (2012)


Effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on selected indices of blood metabolic profile and rearing efficiency turkey hens

Przesłane: marca 15, 2021
Opublikowane: 2012-09-30


The objective of this study was to establish the effect of water extract of raw garlic and Allivet garlic preparation administered to drinking water for turkey hens and their impact on selected biochemical indicators of blood lipid profile, plasma enzymes, production factors and chemical composition of breast muscle. The study was carried out on 400 turkey hens of mediumheavy type BIG-6 divided into four experimental groups. Each group included 25 hens in four replications. Group I (control) did not receive experimental additives. The turkey hens from the experimental groups received garlic extract and Allivet garlic preparation with drinking water. The birds in group II were given raw garlic extract in doses of 0.1 g/dm3 of water, group III – water with an addition of extract of raw garlic at 0.5 g/dm3. The turkeys of group IV were given Allivet garlic preparation (company Centaur) daily in the amount of 0.5 ml/dm3 drinking water. The birds were kept since the 6th till the 16th weeks of life in pens, on straw litter. Turkeys had regular access to drinking water, and in the experimental groups garlic supplements were given twice week, in the morning. At the end of 9, 11 and 15th weeks of life, blood from 20 birds was sampled from the brachial vein for biochemical analyses which included determinations of: AST, ALT, ALP, TP, GLU, UA, UREA, BIL and ALB. There were analyzed the size of selected indicators of changes in plasma lipid levels, i.e. TG, CHOL, and HDL cholesterol fraction, the level of free fatty acids (NEFA) and LDL cholesterol expressed. After the end of rearing (16th week of life), the birds were slaughtered. The strongest modifications of biochemical markers were observed in the group receiving garlic extract in the amount of 0.5 g/dm3 and in the group receiving Allivet garlic preparation. In the blood plasma of birds from groups III and IV there were also observed significantly reduced levels of total protein, uric acid, free fatty acids, cholesterol and HDL cholesterol fraction. The
addiction of garlic to drinking water for turkey hens affected an increase in the levels of nonenzymatic antioxidants such as: urea, bilirubin, creatinine and albumin, which protect from free radicals and oxidative stress. The application of garlic supplements decreased the activity of LDH and AST in blood plasma. Turkeys treated with garlic had a significantly higher fat content in the breast muscle. The addition of garlic in the dose of 0.5 g/dm3 significantly improved the survival rate of birds. The best production results were obtained in group III, with the highest addition of raw garlic extract – 0.5 g/dm3, which was demonstrated in an increase in the final body weight by about 4% and the lowest feed consumption per kilogram of weight gain (7%).


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