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Vol. 34 No. 1 (2016)


The effect of copper glycine chelate on physicochemical, morphometric and strength parameters of tibia bones in broiler chickens

Submitted: July 15, 2019
Published: 2016-04-20


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation of feed mixtures for Ross 308 chickens with copper glycine chelate (Cu-Gli) on the growth of tibia bones based on their physicochemical, morphometric and strength properties. 200 one-day-old Ross 308 male chicks were split into 4 groups in 5 replications of 10 chicks each. The mixtures were supplemented with Cu in a form of CuSO4 (100% of the recommended dose) – control group – and Cu-Gli covering 100%, 50% or 25% of the total requirement of the component recommended for Ross 308 broiler chicks. After the slaughter the tibia were weighed and measured. The mechanical properties of bones (Wy and Wf) were determined in a three-point bending test by means of Zwick Z010 apparatus, and the results of measurement of the external and internal diameter of the bone shaft at the point of fracture were used as reference for determining geometric parameters (Ix, A, MRWT) and cortical indices (CLT, CS, CI, CSI). The bones, defatted and dried to constant mass, were subject to mineralisation. The content of Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe and Cu was determined by means of ASA in a Unicam 939/959 apparatus, and total P was determined according to PN-76/R-64781. The addition of Cu in the form of Cu-Gli at the level of 8 and 4 mg significantly increased the circumference of the chicken’s tibia, and when using 16 mg of Cu-Gli the highest concentration of Ca was observed compared to the group receiving CuSO4. After the use of Cu-Gli, regardless of the level of supplementation, an upward numerical trend was recorded for some cortical indices (CI, CSI), strength parameters (Wy, dy, Wy/dy, BDI) as well as for the content of crude ash and the concentration of P, Zn and Fe. The results of studies indicate that chelated Cu seems to be an efficient alternative for the traditional CuSO4 in order to ensure correct bone mineralisation in fastgrowing broilers, even at doses lower than recommended.


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