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Tom 79 Nr 3 (2024)


Comparative assessment of the agricultural production potential and its efficient use in Poland and Norway

Przesłane: 7 marca 2024
Opublikowane: 13.01.2025


The aim of the paper was a comparative assessment of the agricultural sector of Poland and Norway, in terms of its economic significance, production potential and changes in efficient utilisation, considering the specificity of agricultural policy. The source material was data retrieved from the FAOSTAT database, Statistics Norway (SSB), reports by the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), and Statistics Poland (GUS). Studies have shown that due to natural conditions, Poland has a much greater potential for agricultural output, and in particular crop output. However, Norwegian agriculture features higher land and labour productivity. Despite the high growth rate of the analysed ratios in Polish agriculture, the difference in their level between these countries remains more than threefold and more than twofold in favour of Norway, respectively for labour and land productivity. Due to its large production potential of agriculture, Poland also has much greater agricultural export opportunities than Norway.


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