Jerusalem artichoke is considered a valuable plant with a high production capacity and versatile use. For food processing, one of the important features is the shape of tubers, which determines the method of treatment and the amount of waste. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of mineral fertilization on the yield and shape of tubers of several varieties of tuberous Jerusalem artichoke. Studies based on a field experiment conducted in Parczew in 2013–2015 on fawn soil, formed from clay sands light, a good rye complex, class IVb. The factors of the experiment were artichoke cultivars Albik, Rubik and Violet de Rennes and varied mineral fertilization (N0P0K0 − as an object of control and: P43, K124, N100, P43K124, N50P43K124, N100P43K124, N150P43K124), based on the elemental form of fertilizers, against the background of a full dose of manure). Nitrogen was provided in the form of nitrate – ammonium and amide. The genotype of varieties as well as mineral fertilization significantly differentiated the crop yield and the tuber shape. The response of varieties to mineral fertilization proved to be varied.
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